Monday, April 20, 2009

Canadian PSA commercials : Harsh or Honest?

Since the movie, High Fidelity, came out we've all been enjoying ourselves by blurting out obscure top 5's about subjects we probably know very little about. Lately, facebook has made this even easier to do and more accessible to our friends. In this tradition, I've decided to post an obscure Top 5 on a subject I hardly know anything about as well... Canadian PSA commercials. Some might call them absurdly harsh, some might call them adequately honest. Others will "accidentally" suffocate in their own laughter. But this will be no accident. I posted these links and Canadians who posted them should have known that these were dangerously hilarious. There are no accidents. PREVENT IT.

This PSA announcement is about a hardworking bride-to-be chef who will be scarred for the rest of her life, because she neglected to clean up a grease spill.

This PSA reminds us that it is important to be skeptical of the things we see in the mass media. I'm looking at you, Tea Baggers!

This one reminds us that sports are a game and games really aren't that important. I'm looking at you, Boston Sports Riots!

This PSA features two puppets singing about a subject that I hope is not an innuendo.

and finally, this PSA reminds us that if aesthetics are irrelevant to staying fit, being able to chase down the ice cream truck isn't.

Pretty much all Canadian PSA announcements are worth watching. these are just the ones that i found most entertaining. here are some more that deserve an honorable mention.

hockey 3 psa

hockey psa



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